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Thursday, April 14, 2011


Now that spring has finally arrived, I have found myself itching to CREATE with my *littles*.  I have seen several blogs on how to make your own sidewalk chalk!  I thought "we could do that!" (never mind the fact that we don't actually HAVE a sidewalk!)  I researched quite a few and compared *recipes*.  Most had the same materials but varied slightly in amounts.  Some used toilet paper tubes, others used molds, one used the plastic Easter eggs that snap together!  I thought about it and jumped right in with both feet.  I tried one color first to make sure that it was going to work!  It turned out pretty well I thought!

YIPPY!!!  it worked!  I only made a small *stick* just to be sure it was right!  So now time to mass produce these suckers!  I was going to get really technical!  My intention was to make eggs that were half and half different colors!  I WAS also going to make pretty *rainbow* stripped sticks with what was left from the eggs!  Yeah well - I am woman enough to admit when I goofed!  I am not exactly sure what happened - however I am pretty sure that I used WAY to much liquid tempura paint and the plaster could not set!

So - here is the *bad* picture so that you can learn from my mistake!

They are still useable with my *littles* however - they are just not that pretty to look at!  But if it makes a mark on the garage floor the kids will use it!  Now as for the dual colored eggs - yeah well let's just say that as I was squishing the 2 halves together I got *gooped* every time! 
I was able to get 3 egg chalks in solid colors though!  They turned out FABULOUS!!!

So that was day 1!!!  I slept on my mistakes and woke up with new ideas!  I wanted to make sticks that were not as *chunky* around for my *littles* hands!  Because admit it - a toilet paper roll is pretty big!  I went to my local department store in search of those homemade popcicle container things!  You know the kind that you pour juice in and then put the cap with the stick into it to freeze -

I slathered the inside of the container with vasaline then layered  the colors in like a rainbow!  I waited an hour or so for it to set - then attempted to *remove* them.  Oh boy - not an easy task!  I was able to get 1 out with out breaking! 

Now on to the *perfect* cakes!!!  I greased a muffin pan with vasaline slightly and filled each up with it's own color and  VIOLA!!!!

I think they are absolutely perfect!

Here's the amounts that I used -
1/2 c. COOL water
cool water makes the difference
1C plaster of paris
2-3 TBS tempura paint

Happy Crafting

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