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Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Vintage........Or not????

I have had the pleasure to follow a couple of blogs who love vintage sheets.  They use them for quilting squares, backings, pennants, etc...  Git down kitty and All things vintage sheets are the 2 that I look forward to read new posts from.  If you haven't had the chance to visit them stop on by and check them out! 

I must say that I had never given this a thought as an option for my projects!  Boy was I pleasantly suprised when I visited one of our local thrift shops.  I walked out with 2 pillow cases and 4 flat sheets (a couple full and a couple twin) for under 5 bucks!!  I visited our other thrift store and it was rather pricey I thought for being second hand things!  But I did however get 2 pillow cases and 2 flat sheets there - my tally was 10 bucks! 

I think this is my favorite!  I am seeing a laundry room window valance using the pink embroidery and daisy edging!

These are the pillow cases! 

I can see a very retro looking handbag/tote bag made out of the big floral/multi colored pillow cases!!!  I am using the white and yellow as the top band/ handles on a purse that I bought some yellow/grey floral fabric for. 

I am working on a very special project for some very dear friends of ours (more on that project to come later!)  I am planning on using the bottom flat sheet from the picture above for the backing on that quilt!

Now the question is.......are my sheets true vintage or just really faded/really used old sheets???  I would love any input anyone would like to give me!

Happy crafting

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